Is it worth it buying an outdoor TV?

Is It Worth Buying An Outdoor TV?
You make the executive decision that today is a fine day to fire up the grill, crack open a few frosty drinks and have friends over.
Fast forward a few hours later, you remember it’s Sunday… The game is on!
But instead of heading inside and skipping out on the rest of this unearthly day you quickly grab your computer and toss on the game!
Flawless play chief!
Now all you have is your friends, their family and yours huddled around this small screen… And after a few minutes of this frustration, you start to think that watching the game would’ve been far better off inside, even at the cost of missing the magazine like day.
End scene!
While bringing your computer outside to watch the game, stream content, or simply watch the news is an option, it’s really only half an attempt…
What then is the alternative?
Sealoc Costal LG Outdoor TV! It’s a perfectly engineered TV to be used outside in all conditions, (Literally all conditions: rain, snow, sun, hail, etc) so it takes away the fear of losing an expensive TV to the conditions of mother nature and helps people who simply know choosing between an idealistic day and the game, news, or other entertainment is, well, not a choice you want to make.
All WeatherTVs launched into business because we were passionate about outdoor living and electronics. Before All WeatherTVs launched we owned a professional video production company and this is why we have a unique understanding of entertainment systems!
But what’s stopping you from bringing your indoor TV outside? Well, absolutely nothing, as long as you are willing to accept that it voids the warranty, you have to carry it back and forth every time you simply want to watch something, it most likely will overheat, and if it's wall-mounted, well you get it, it’s a pain…
So is it worth purchasing an outdoor TV?
Well, the short answer is it depends. If you love investing time outside, sitting on the deck or by the pool, but you also love watching shows, the news, and not missing out on a game, then yes, it’s 100% worth it! You can be assured that it will be there in good weather and bad.
If an outdoor TV is for you then there are a few things you should know first.
Before you go purchasing one make sure that it checks off this list:
Weatherproof: The TV should be engineered to be used outside and not just simply under a patio cover! It should have an all-weather exterior that protects the internal components from dirt, rain, snow, or whatever else you can think of that has a chance of destroying the TV.
The inner circuit boards of the Sealoc, for example, are constructed with a patented nano-coating formula used by NASA and militaries. For the exterior of the TV, it is sealed shut with our fully weatherproof, IP67 & IP68 rated seal. Our Sealoc Coastal LG Series is rated for temperatures from -14° to +140° F.
So it’s safe to say that you will cook before the Sealoc Coastal LG Series does…
Protective LED: The outdoor TV you purchase should have anti-reflective, high-quality materials built into the screen so that on sunny days you can actually see the TV. It should also have scratch-resistant materials to ensure that the TV is always clear and clean.
The Sealoc Coastal LG Series is built with an LED panel with beautiful 4K resolution and Active HDR for a brighter picture in bright outdoor use.
Watertight Cable System: Water and electronics in one sentence never sound good… Another key factor to check off the list when purchasing an outdoor TV is the cable system. Making sure that it’s sealed and still provides room for connections while keeping the TV and cables dry is essential!
The Sealoc Coastal LG Series is constructed with an ultra-thin design, and crystal clear audio with ample room to add on external speakers if that’s something you want!
You can discover our pricing for the Sealoc Coastal LG Series here:
Trusted Brand: Going with the right brand is a must! Investing money into a brand that you can trust, and have confidence in is very important. You want to know that they are not here today and gone tomorrow.
Sealoc provide a 3-year manufacturer's limited warranty, builds their TVs with only high-quality smart components, and provides top-notch customer service.
So while you sit back and think about these options that are listed above, also think about the life you could be having laying back, enjoying the crisp sun and a refreshing drink outside with your new outdoor entertainment system.
The only thing AllWeatherTVs can’t protect you against is jealous neighbors…
Discover more about The Sealoc Coastal LG Series here: CLICK HERE
- All Weather TVs
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